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Our service is currently OFFLINE. We are facing some issues with our service provider and we are moving our website to a new host.

The app is therefore not working and showing the error "driver not recognized"

We are doing our best to be back online as soon as we can. Sorry for the issue.

Check the official forum thread for more infomation


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Theoretical Best Lap Best Split1 Best Split2 Best Split3
0:10.209 0:10.209 by Aliengrip - -

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Rank Driver Laptime Diff First Diff Prev Split1 Split2 Split3 Date P Assists Info
Planet Earth
0:10.306 0:00.000 - 0:10.306 - - 2014.01.26. 11:23 P
Planet Earth
0:10.426 +0:00.120 +0:00.120 0:10.426 - - 2014.02.07. 20:30